Progressive and modern Sweden has a secret to share; we are nuts about our age-old traditions and celebrations. Country-closing Midsummer Eve, celebrating the longest day of the year, is the big one, followed by Christmas, Easter and a host of 'unholy' days, including cinnamon bun day, waffle day and practically a whole season dedicated to a gooey almond paste and cream bun.


Midsummer always take place on a Friday between June 19 and June 25 when locals celebrate the longest day of the year.
Something Swedes love to tell you once you tell them it’s your first midsummer in Sweden, is that the majstång/midsommarstång, midsummer pole, is a phallus symbol. Fertility is the basic motto of the midsummer party in Sweden. Interestingly, midsummer is not in the middle of the summer but right in the beginning, in the end of June. Yeah, there this doesn’t sound logical, but hey, just have another snaps and don’t bother arguing about it.
Common food for midsummer celebrations is a smörgåsbord with lax (salmon), potatis (potatoes), sill (herring), köttbullar (meatballs) and for desert jordgubbar (strawberries).



A crayfish party is a traditional summertime eating and drinking celebration in Sweden. Crayfish parties are generally held during August, a tradition that started because crayfish harvesting in Sweden was, for most of the 20th century, legally limited to late summer.
Dining is traditionally outdoors, but in practice the party is often driven indoors by bad weather or aggressive mosquitoes. Customary party accessories are comical paper hats, paper tablecloths, paper lanterns and bibs. A rowdy atmosphere prevails amid noisy eating and traditional drinking songs. The alcohol consumption is often high, especially when compared to the amount of food actually eaten. It is considered customary to suck the juice out of the crayfish before shelling it.
Surströmming (Sour Herring) has been part of northern Swedish cuisine since at least the 16th century, and is known to be the worlds smelliest fish.
Because of the strong smell, surströmming is ordinarily eaten outdoors. The pressurised can is usually opened some distance away from the dining table, and is often initially punctured while immersed in a bucket of water, which prevents brine from spraying onto clothes and traps most of the smell.
It is usually enjoyed with onion, sour cream, bread, potatoes and a glass of snaps and beer.